The TAD Designer Lite installer download will start shortly

If the download has not yet started; please click on this link

Note that the size of the zip file is 20.8 M.Bytes (21882024 bytes). Please verify the size once you download. There are two files in the zip file. One is called "readme.txt" and the other is "tadsetup.exe" -- which is the installer.

The current version of TAD is

Note: Some anti-virus software and/or browser extensions of anti-virus software, may wrongly mark this page and/or the download as unsafe. Please be assured that there are NO malware/virus in the zip file, the installer in the zip file or the software it installs. Unfortunately there are anti-virus software that uses incorrect detection procedures (AI or heuristics). Those anti-virus do not do a good job with their investigations. We use a special, clean build machine to create both the software and the installer. That machine is disconnected from the Internet; so there are absolutely no chances of any virus/malware/adware affecting TAD.

Please tell other architects, architecture students, researchers, etc about TAD.
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