The next webinar around the subject of architecture and TAD

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Previous ones

Nov 5, 2020: Collaboratively Design
This webinar is meant for students of architecture; and to-be students of architecture and young teachers. This particular talk is how architects can cooperatively design. To explain this topic, this webinar will showcase how the software industry cooperatively develops software designs; and why Architects can also use similar processes. A brief idea on how TAD ( can be used to develop designs collaboratively would also be explained

October 5, 2020: Collate, clarify design knowledge
This webinar is meant for students of architecture; and to-be students of architecture and young teachers. This will be useful for those youngsters who want to quickly and efficiently collate knowledge not just from books, but from other sources too. This is the information era -- and a lot of information could be bad; so how do we clarify and extract the correct knowledge? Ar. Sabu Francis's own practice and work on TAD will provide plenty of examples on how knowledge on architecture was collated and clarified.